For newbie in Guangzhou

For newbie in Guangzhou
How to get used to it faster and what to do?
Procedure for visitors:
0. Before arrival in China:
There is no need to buy dollars in Russia and exchange them in China for yuan.
Buy yuan in Russia! You can import up to 20,000 yuan in cash to China. You can also withdraw yuan cash from almost any ATM in China.
If you still brought dollars to China, read the article: How do I exchange currency in China? ​SPD Bank ATM will help!
Install Wechat. If it doesn’t work out, you’ve been blocked or something. Take another smartphone, another SIM card and try again! Didn’t work out? Take another smartphone, another SIM card and try again! There is more about Wechat on the website www.вичат-клуб.рф
In Wichat, find Wichat mini apps for paying for the subway and bus or buy a transport plastic card!
install VPN. The best is Astrill VPN (200 USD per year).
install Baidu Maps 百度地图
Install the Translator app Fanyi Baidu – 翻译百度 it is much more accurate than Google
install the app to call a taxi Didi – 滴滴出行. The app is available in English! Find out more and get a promo code on the website
More useful applications:
Jingdong Gouwu 京东购物
Mobikе 摩拜单车 Mobaidanche
Ctrip 携程 Xiecheng
Meituan Shenghuo 美团生活
The full list of Chinese applications can be found on the website
1. Find a place to live. Hotel, hostel, airbnb or couchsurfing. Look for Russian groups on Vkontakte and Wechat. Sometimes they retake apartments.
Visit web-site
Well, or book on the website
2. Buy a SIM card from a local telecom operator. A foreign passport is enough to formalize the contract. Please note that there are no unlimited tariffs. And all with a subscription fee! You’d better buy a SIM card at the airport. There may be problems in the city, they may not sell a SIM card on a tourist visa! Article about SMS codes of mobile operators – здесь.
3. Register with the police within 24 hours of arrival in China to obtain Temporary Registration. A mandatory procedure! If you check into the hotel, they will check you in themselves (but remind them). A detailed article about it HERE
4. Try to get a Chinese bank card to join society and pay everywhere in the world/Alypium. There is little chance of this now, because you need a work, family or student visa, but you can try. Go around 15-20 banks at least with a translator! We can recommend an interpreter in Guangzhou –
For motivation: after receiving a Chinese bank card and linking it to WeChat Pay/ Alipay wallets, you will be able to:
– rent bicycles all over China
– – rent umbrellas and powerbank
– pay for taxi, bus, subway, ferry electronically – just by showing the QR code of WeChat Pay or Alipay
– buy goods at 7eleven and Family Mart stores
– buy goods on Taobao at low prices
and much more
5. If you need to extend your visa or obtain a residence permit in China, the article will help you: Guangzhou Entry and Exit Bureau.
6. Get to know the local Russians. The Russian Club in Guangzhou periodically holds meetings. Come on!
7. Explore the tourist attractions of the city. The website will help you with this и www.в-гуанчжоу.рф and also Wechat mini App “Guangzhou places” About it more HERE
8. Decide on the nutrition. Either eat in inexpensive cafes, or cook at home. We can advise you inexpensive grocery stores – AION, Vanguard, Parkandshop (these are large, like AUCHAN), 7 eleven, FamilyMart (small shops).
Read also articles on this topic:
The best restaurants in Guangzhou. Author’s selection
Michelin-starred restaurants in Guangzhou
9. To get hold of junk. For the improvement of everyday life. Electric blankets, mugs, towels, slippers, etc.
Some features of life in southern China:
– body towels are expendable. We have to buy new ones every couple of months, because they dry badly and turn black, especially in winter.
– you will not need an iron and ironing board. Because of the high humidity.

With respect,
Guangzhou Russian Club
Wechat id: russianguangzhou